We can approximate a density with a tree density similar to how we can approximate a distribution with a tree distribution.
We use the differential relative entropy as a criterion of approximation. An optimal tree approximator of density for a tree is a density which factors according to a tree and minimizes its differential relative entropy with the given density.
Let $g: \R ^n \to \R $ be a density and $T$
be a tree on $\set{1, \dots , n}$.
An optimal tree approximator of $g$ for $T$ is
a density $f$ that factors according to $T$ and
minimizes $d(g, f)$.
In other words, given $g$ and $T$ we want to
find $f$ to
\text{minimize} &\quad d(g, f) \\
\text{subject to} &\quad f \text{ factors according to } T.
Let $g: \R ^n \to \R $ be a density and $T$
be a tree on $\set{1, \dots , n}$.
The density $f^*_T: \R ^d \to \R $ defined by
f^*_T = g_1 \prod_{i \neq 1} g_{i \mid \pa{i}}
Let $f: \R ^d \to \R $ be a density factoring
according to $T$.
First, express
f = f_1 \prod_{i = 1} f_{i \mid \pa{i}}.
Second, recall that $d(g, f) = h(g, f) - h(g)$. Since $h(g)$ does not depend on $f$, $f$ is a minimizer of $d(g, f)$ if and only if $f$ is a minimizer of $h(g, f)$.
Third, express
h(g, f) &= - \int_{\R ^d} g \log f \\
&= - \int_{\R ^d} g(x) \parens*{ \log f_{i}(x_i) + \sum_{i
\neq 1} \log f_{i \mid \pa{i}}(x_i, x_{\pa{i}})} dx \\
&= h(g_1, f_1) + \sum_{i \neq 1} \parens*{ \int_{\R }
g_{\pa{i}}(\xi ) h\parens*{g_{i \mid \pa{i}}(\cdot , \xi ),
f_{i\mid\pa{i}}(\cdot ,\xi )}d\xi }
Fourth, recall $h(\phi , \psi ) \geq 0$ for densities $\phi , \psi $ of any dimension, and zero if $\phi = \psi $. So $f_1 = g_1$ and $f_{i \mid \pa{i}} = g_{i \mid \pa{i}}$ are solutions.