We want a norm on the vector space of continuous functions.
Consider a function from a closed real interval to the real numbers. The absolute supremum of the function is the supremum of the absolute value of its results on the interval. Since the function is continuous and defined on a closed interval, the supremum is finite.
\[ \phi (f) = \sup \Set{\abs{f(x)}}{x \in [a, b]}. \]
\[ \begin{aligned} \phi (f + g) &\leq \sup \Set{\abs{f(x)} + \abs{g(x)}}{x \in [a, b]} \\ &\leq \sup \Set{\abs{f(x)}}{x \in [a,b]} + \sup \Set{\abs{g(x)}}{x \in [a, b]} \\ &= \phi (f) + \phi (g) \end{aligned} \]
We call the functional $\phi $ defined above the supremum norm.
Let $f \in C[a, b]$. We denote the supremum norm of $f$ by $\norm{f}_{\sup}$.