If we treat the parameters of a linear function as a random variable, an inductor for the predictor is equivalent to an estimator for the parameters.1
Let $(\Omega , \mathcal{A} , \mathbfsf{P} )$ be a probability space. Let $x: \Omega \to \R ^d$. Define $g: \Omega \to (\R ^d \to \R )$ by $g(\omega )(a) = \transpose{a}x(\omega )$, for $a \in \R ^d$. In other words, for each outcome $\omega \in \Omega $, $g_\omega : \R ^d \to \R $ is a linear function with parameters $x(\omega )$. $g_\omega $ is the function of interest.
Let $a^1, \dots , a^n \in \R ^d$ a dataset
with data matrix $A \in \R ^{n \times d}$.
Let $e: \Omega \to \R ^n$ independent of $x$,
and define $y: \Omega \to \R ^n$ by
y = Ax + e.
We call $(x, A, e)$ a probabilistic linear model. Other terms include linear model, statistical linear model, linear regression model, bayesian linear regression, and bayesian analysis of the linear model.2 We call $x$ the parameters, $A$ a design, $e$ the error or noise vector, and $y$ the observation vector.
One may want an estimator for the parameters $x$ in terms of $y$ or one may be modeling the function $g$ and want to predict $g(a)$ for $a \in A$ not in the dataset.
In this model, the dataset is assumed to be inconsistent as a result of the random errors. In these cases, the error vector $e$ may model a variety of sources of error ranging from inaccuracies in the measurements (or measurement devices) to systematic errors from the “inapproriateness” of the use of a linear predictor.3 In this case the linear part is sometimes called the deterministic effect of the response on the input $a \in A$.
One route to be more specific about the underlying distribution of the random vector is give its mean and variance. It is common to give the mean of $\E (w)$