What is the best linear predictor if we choose according to a particular norm.
Suppose we have a paired dataset of $n$
records with inputs in $\R ^d$ and outputs in
$\R $.
A norm weighted least squares
linear predictor for a norm $g: \R ^n \to
\R $ is a linear transformation $f: \R ^d \to
\R $ (the field is $\R $) which minimizes
g(y - Ax).
Let $\norm{\cdot }_{W}$ be the weighted norm for
some positive semidefinite weight matrix $W$.
We want to find $x$ to minimize
\norm{y - AX}_{W}.
A special case of norm weighted least squares
with a weighted norm is the usual weighted
least squares problem (see Weighted Least Squares Linear Predictors).
Consider weighted least squares with weights $w
\in \R ^n$, $w \geq 0$.
Define $W \in \R ^{n \times n}$ so that $W_{ii}
= w_i$ and $W_{ij} = 0$ when $i \neq j$.
So, in particular, $W$ is a diagonal matrix
\norm{y - Ax}_{W} = \sum_{i = 1}^{n} w_i(y_i -
\[ \inv{(\transpose{A}WA)}\transpose{A}Wy. \]