A sequence of functions $(g_1, \dots , g_\ell )$ is composable if $g_i$ is composable with $g_{i-1}$ for $i = 2, \dots , \ell $. In this case we write $g_\ell \circ g_{\ell -1} \circ \cdots \circ g_2 \circ g_1$. For example, we write $g_3 \circ g_2 \circ g_1$ for $(g_1, g_2, g_3)$.
A neural network (or
feedforward neural network)
from $\R ^n$ to $\R ^m$ is a sequence of
composable functions $(g_1, \dots , g_{\ell })$,
$\dom g_1 = \R ^n$, $\ran g_\ell \subset
\R ^m$, satisfying
g_i(\xi ) = h_i(A_i \xi + b_i)
The $i$th layer of the neural network is the $i$th function $g_i$. The $i$th activation of the neural network is the function $h_i$. A neural network is called deep if its number of layers is larger than 3.
We call the composition of the layers of the neural network the network predictor (or just predictor). We also call it the function of the network.2
A multi-layer perceptron (MLP) is a neural network with 2 layers (1 hidden layer) and for which $A_i$ and $b_i$ have unrestricted nonzero entries.