We often want to discuss lists without regard to order. This is natural, for instance, in discussing number factorizations. There, the associativity and commutativity of natural multipliciation mean that the factorization $(2, 3)$ and $(3,2)$ are equivalent, in the sense that they both factor 6.
Given a set $A$, a multiset (or mset, bag) of elements of or in $A$ is a function $m: A \to \N $. In this case, the result $m(a)$ is called the multiplicity of $a \in A$. For this reason, another term for the object we have named a multiset is multiplicity function. An $a \in A$ with $m(a) \neq 0$ is called an element of the multiset.
The size (or
cardinality) of a multiset
$m$ is the sum of the multiplicities of its
In summation notation, the size is defined to
\sum_{a \in A} m(a)
The set
\Set{a \in A}{m(a) > 0}
A natural use for multisets is in factorizations of natural numbers.
Notation for multisets is nonstandard—here are
some common in use.
If $a$ and $b$ are two distinct objects and
$A = \set{a, b}$ is the unordered pair
containing them, the multiset $m: A \to \N $
defined by $m(a) = 2$ and $m(b) = 3$ is
sometimes denoted
\{ \{ a,a,b,b,b\} \}
\] \[
\] \[
\set{a^2, b^3}
Other authors refer to the ordered pair $(A, m)$ as the multi set, and call $A$ the underlying set. We avoid this terminology, for the reason that $\dom m = A$.