We abstract the notion of inner product to an arbitrary vector space.
Suppose $\F $ is a field which is either $\R $
or $\C $. Let $(V, \F )$ be a vector space.
Then a function $f: V \times V \to \F $ is
an inner product on $V$
A inner product space
(or pre-Hilbert space) is
a tuple ($V, f)$ where $V$ is an inner product
space over $\F $ and $f: V^2 \to \F $ is an
inner product.
Suppose $V$ is a vector space over the field $\F $. We regularly denote an arbitrary inner product for $V$ by $\ip{\cdot ,\cdot }: V^2 \to \F $. So we would denote the inner product of the vector $x$ with the vector $y$ by $\ip{x, y}$.