We want to visualize relations.
A directed graph (or digraph, graph) is a pair $(V, E)$ in which $V$ is a nonempty set and $E$ is a subset of $V \times V$. In other words, $E$ is a relation on $V$. We call the elements of $V$ vertices and the elements of $E$ edges (or arcs).
For example, define $V$ and $E$ by
V = \{ 1,2,3,4 \}
\quad \text{ and } \quad
E = \{ (1,2),(1,3),(2,4),(3,4) \}
Let $(v, w) \in E$. We say that $(v, w)$ is an edge from $v$ to $w$, and that it is an outgoing edge of $v$ and an incoming edge of $w$. We call $v$ a parent of $w$ and we call $w$ a child of $v$. We say that the edge $(v, w)$ is incident to $v$ and $w$.
The child set of a vertex is the set of its child vertices and similarly for the parent set; we refer to these sets as the children and parents of the vertex, respectively. The indegree of a vertex is number parents it has and the outdegree is the number of children it has.
The parents, children, and neighbors of a set $A$ of vertices each defined to be the set of vertices which are not in the set but are the parents, children or neighbors of some vertex in the set defined.
A vertex is a source vertex if it only has outgoing edges (i.e., is the child of no vertex its parent set is empty) and a vertex is a sink if it only has incoming edges (i.e., is the parent of no vertex).
A directed graph is complete if every vertex is both a child and parent of every other vertex.
We denote by $\pa: V \to \powerset{V}$ and $\ch: V \to \powerset{V}$ the functions associating to each vertex its set of parents and set of children, respectively. As usual, we denote the parents of vertex $v$ by $\pa_v$ and the children by $\ch_v$.
If $x$ is a vertex, and $(x,x)$ is an edge, we call such an edge a self-loop (or just loop). Many authorities exclude self-loops in their definition of directed graphs, but we allow them. To make the distinction, we call a graph with no loops simple (a simple graph).