We return to our discussion of symbols and scripts, to make precise these concepts in the language of sets and lists.
An alphabet is a
nonempty finite set.
For example, let $A$ be the set
\set{a, b, c, d, e, f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w, x,
A word is a list of
letters in an alphabet, and a
phrase is a list of
For example, $(c,a,t,s)$ is a word in
$\mathcal{A} $ (meant to correspond to the word
“cats”) and
((c,a,t,s), (a,n,d), (d,o,g,s))
Let $A$ be an alphabet. In this case (in which $A$ is a finite set), we refer to the lists of $A$ as strings. The string whose length is zero is the empty set.
We denote the set of all lists (strings) in $A$ by $\str(A)$. We read $\str(A)$ aloud as “the strings in $A$.” Other notation is $A^*$; i.e., $A^* := \cup_{n \in \N } A^n$.