Almost Everywhere Measurability
Does convergence almost everywhere of a sequence
of measurable functions guarantee measurability of
the limit function?
It does on complete measure spaces, and we can
use this result to “weaken” the hypotheses of
many theorems.
A measure is complete if
every subset of a measurable set of measure
zero is measurable.
If the measure is complete, then every
negligible set must be measurable.
We begin with a transitivity property: almost
everywhere equality of two functions allows us
to infer measurability of one from the other.
Suppose $(X, \mathcal{A} , \mu )$ is measure
space and $f,g: X \to [-\infty, \infty]$ are
such that $f = g$ almost everywhere.
If $\mu $ is complete and $f$ is
$\mathcal{A} $-measurable, then $g$ is
$\mathcal{A} $-measurable.
Let $(X, \mathcal{A} , \mu )$ be a measure
Let $\seqt{f}: X \to [-\infty, \infty]$ for all
natural numbers $n$
and $f: X \to [-\infty, \infty]$
$\seq{f}$ converging to $f$ almost everywhere.
If $\mu $ is complete and
and $\seqt{f}$ is measurable for each $n$,
then $f$ is $\mathcal{A} $-measurable.